Have Your Say
As a valued Market shopper and member of our community, we would like your feedback in a short survey.
We’d love to know what products, services or stall types you’d like to see at the Market and how you rate what is currently on offer. Your input will help us shape the future of your local Market.
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and to say thanks, participants can go in the draw to win 1 of 5 $50 vouchers to spend at Agathé Pâtisserie.
This survey closed on 7 August 2023. Thank you to those that took the time to submit feedback. Should you wish to provide feedback or ideas regarding the Market's stalls and offer, you can do so anytime by contacting us online or at the Market Office. Click here for details about how to contact us.
Winners of the Agathé Pâtisserie vouchers will be contacted in August.